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Culinary recipes in English. Basic vocabulary related to culinary recipes for dishes, drinks and desserts in English. English language in the gastronomy.

This post will be written in English as part of a post related to foreign languages in the gastronomy. This post will be about culinary recipes in the English language and about basic vocabulary related to them. Knowledge of English helps in understanding English culinary recipes, thanks to which we can try various recipes for dishes, drinks or desserts.
So at the beginning, I want to explain what culinary recipes are from the point of view of the culinary arts and what elements contain culinary recipes. In this entry I will also explain different English shorthands, which we can see in English culinary recipes. About basic vocabulary related to culinary activities, you can find entry on my blog. [1].
This is the first part of this post connected with foreign language culinary recipes. The next entry will be about culinary recipes, but in German language (in German kulinarische Rezepte), where you'll also learn basic vocabulary related to this topic, but in German language. These entries are especially recommended for persons, who want to work abroad in English- and German-speaking countries, but also for students of culinary schools and persons, who want to understand English and German culinary recipes.



  1. A to lekcję angielskiego nam tutaj zrobiłeś :)

  2. Super, bardzo pomocny post, jeśli chcemy skorzystać z angielskojęzycznych przepisów kulinarnych :)

  3. Super, że działasz też po angielsku! ;)

  4. Hi my friends 🖐😉
    Thank you so much for your very kind words. I am happy that this topic in this format also you liked. Next time on my blog will appear new post on similar content, but in German.
    Best regards to everyone and I hug you from the heart 🤗🥰❤

  5. Patryczku, Ty jesteś po prostu wyjątkowy! Ten post z kolei przekieruję do córki, bo ona się wybiera do Londynu z koleżankami :-)

  6. Thank you! I will find this helpful in translating Polish recipes!


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